I couldn’t make friends. Here are 2 easy tips on how you meet people.
Two years ago I moved to New York City, the “City That Never Sleeps”.
It was one of the best decisions of my life.
I sold my car, packed up a van full of stuff, and headed to New York. I didn’t look back. It was a new chapter with great adventures ahead.
I also realized it was a huge change from what I’m used to. I’ve always lived in the suburbs and drove a car everywhere.
I also quickly realized I had to become much more resourceful. It took me a week and many confusing moments to understand the subway system. But now I can tell you which train to get on without looking at a map.
Something else happened I didn’t realize I would need to put any effort into. And that was making friends.
I thought people in NYC would just come up to me and I’d instantly connect with them. Little did I know it wasn’t true.
Maybe I’ve watched too many movies but I thought I would make friends the first day I lived in New York.
I learned that no matter where you are or who you are, you’re going to have to put some effort into making friends.
So what did I do??
#1. I did whatever I could to meet people. But I realized I was wasting my time.
I noticed I was going to social events and meeting people with who I didn’t have much in common. I had good conversations but I didn’t find friends with who I felt compatible with.
#2. So I started to go to social events where I would find people who have similar interests. I went on meetup.com and found a chess meetup at a bar. Boom. Perfect for me. I love chess and enjoy socializing over a beer.
For a few hours every week, I was hanging out with people with who I had something in common.
The result: I’ve made friends, I’ve been invited to parties, and had fun conversations.
The point is you shouldn’t waste your time going to places you hate or if you aren’t making friends who you’re compatible with.
Protip: Go where you’re comfortable having conversations. Find your tribe.
Finding a location, social event, or meeting, where you feel comfortable talking to people with who you have things in common can be the key to socializing more easily.
Don’t drain yourself of energy by forcing yourself to go places you’re not getting the right vibe from.
I hope this helps and you put this into action.
Let us know what you think! Tell us if you had or you’re having any trouble making friends. If not, just say hello. We’d love to hear from you.
I read and respond to every message.
P.S. We hope this helps! And, if you want to improve your communication skills check out Loopward.com.