How to avoid being boring.
Are you afraid of being boring? Raise your hand if you are!
Today we have a few strategies to help you reduce your anxiety of feeling like your not cool enough.
We start to be more exciting by saying “Yes” more.
Saying “Yes” more encourages people to say “yes” to doing things that take them out of their comfort zone in order to grow as individuals.
How many times you’ve said, “NO” today??
There have been too many times I’ve said, “No” to going out with friends and “No” to great trips.
I was always afraid of how much something would cost or if it was worth my time.
I understand there isn’t anything wrong with being frugal or conscious of how much money you spend. But, sometimes saying, “No” holds you back from having experiences, especially if you’re worried about something.
So, what are some actionable tips for becoming more interesting and saying “Yes!”
Take a plane, train, or taxicab somewhere!
These days you can find a cheap ticket to almost anywhere. You don’t need to travel to Europe for an interesting experience, just leave your neighborhood.
Go somewhere you’ve never been before with a group of your friends or one of your lovers.
Take a chance! Find a globe spin and go where ever your finger lands.
Next, be like Nike…Elevate your brand by telling a killer story.
Learning to tell a great story is a skill that can potentially get you almost anything. Good storytelling skills are an asset no matter what your profession is.
According to HubSpot … Good stories are …
Entertaining. Good stories keep the reader engaged and interested in what’s coming next.
Educational. Good stories spark curiosity and add to the reader’s knowledge bank.
Universal. Good stories are relatable to all readers and tap into emotions and experiences that most people undergo.
Organized. Good stories follow a succinct organization that helps convey the core message and helps readers absorb it.
Memorable. Whether through inspiration, scandal, or humor, good stories stick in the reader’s mind.
Lastly, have an opinion and learn to speak the F***k up.
Simply be knowledgeable or passionate about a specific topic. ANYTHING!
Sports, traveling, drawing, Quora, gaming, and anything you can think of.
Protip: Become more interesting than the person next to you by being the “Teacher” everyone wanted growing up.
Here’s an example …
“One of the things I love and I’m passionate about is wildlife. I become so passionate after my trip to Africa. You should definitely go on a Safari!”
This can be a great way to start the conversation and teach someone about Africa if they haven’t been.
Being “informed” on a specific topic or on general ideas will give you more ammo to use during conversations.
If you can keep up and banter back and forth with someone about anything, you’ll come across as interesting.
We hope this helps! And, no matter what we think you’re great! Let us know if you have any questions.
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